Who Are We?

The Federated Church of Sturbridge and Fiskdale (1922) unites the worship and mission of the Congregational Church (1736), the Baptist Church of Fiskdale (1747), and the Unitarian Church (1864).

We are in fellowship with the United Church of Christ, American Baptist, and the Unitarian Universalist denominations, and affiliated with the Massachusetts, National, and World Councils of Churches.

To promote the unity of Christians for which Jesus prayed, this church seeks to fulfill its mission through ecumenical dialogue and action, and through membership in the Tri-Community Ecumenical Fellowship, bringing together churches in Southbridge, Sturbridge and Charlton.

We are a self-supported and self-governed congregation, made up of members who seek to follow Christ’s example and the Spirit’s leading. When becoming a ‘member’ of the church, an individual may join as a Baptist, a Congregationalist, Unitarian, or as a member of the Federated Society.

No matter which group individuals join, all are one body in Christ in spirit and practice. Members have a voice and vote on all matters pertaining to the church, and may serve as officers and board members

Our Vision Statement

We joyfully celebrate Christ’s presence and God’s grace in our lives. We respect one another in love, actively seeking and embracing those who wish to grow with us in faith, hope and love. With God’s guidance, we minister to the spiritual and physical needs of the community. Through service we flourish.

You are welcome and invited to join us in worship Sunday mornings at 9:30 am.