Continued Life with the Spirit ~ June 5, 2022

Printable Bulletin (PDF)

Continued Life with the Spirit ~ June 5, 2022

It’s Pentecost! The birth of the church!

Happy birthday church!

Join us this Sunday, June 5th, 9:30am for a wonderful time of worship, prayer and fellowship as we celebrate the birth of the church! We’ll also join together in congratulating our confirmands and new members, and hear Pastor Dave’s inspiring message, “Continued Life with the Spirit”.

And, it’s Communion Sunday too!

The color of the day is RED … So, be sure to wear something RED!

Invite a friend, share this post, set a reminder … And, we look forward to you joining us this Sunday!

Maundy Thursday Service ~ April 14, 2022 ~ 7pm

Printable Bulletin (PDF)

Maundy Thursday Service ~ April 14, 2022

Join us for a time of solemn worship as we commemorate Christ’s last supper on the evening before His crucifixion.
We’ll join together for Holy Communion, hear words of inspiration and join in the Tenebrae service (Service of Shadows).
Set a reminder, invite a friend, share this post and join us, Thursday, April 14th at 7 pm.
We encourage you to download and print a copy of the bulletin which will be available on our website shortly: