Maundy Thursday Service ~ April 14, 2022 ~ 7pm

Printable Bulletin (PDF)

Maundy Thursday Service ~ April 14, 2022

Join us for a time of solemn worship as we commemorate Christ’s last supper on the evening before His crucifixion.
We’ll join together for Holy Communion, hear words of inspiration and join in the Tenebrae service (Service of Shadows).
Set a reminder, invite a friend, share this post and join us, Thursday, April 14th at 7 pm.
We encourage you to download and print a copy of the bulletin which will be available on our website shortly:

He Comes in the Name of the Lord ~ April 10, 2022

Printable Bulletin (PDF)

He Comes in the Name of the Lord ~ April 10, 2022

HOSANNA! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!
It’s PALM SUNDAY! And, we hope you will join us, in person or right here, online, Sunday, April 10, 2022, 9:30am for a Palm Sunday celebration to the beginning of Holy Week.
We’ll hear Pastor Dave’s inspiring message, “He Comes in the Name of the Lord”, sing a few good ol’ favorites and join together for a time of worship and fellowship.
Set a reminder, invite a friend or two, share this post and join us!

Programming note:
A printable copy of the worship bulletin will be available on our website shortly:
If you are joining us online, we encourage you to go to our website, download and print the bulletin before the service begins.

Leave Her Alone! ~ April 3, 2022

Printable Bulletin (PDF)

Leave Her Alone! ~ April 3, 2022

Hello! And, welcome!
Come, join us this Sunday, April 3rd, 9:30am, in person or right here, online, for a special time of worship, prayer and fellowship!
We’ll hear Pastor Dave’s interesting message, “Leave Her Alone!”, celebrate Holy Communion, sing a few good hymns and join together in fellowship!
You won’t want to miss a thing!
So, set a reminder, share this post, invite a friend, or two, or three, and we’ll look forward to seeing you Sunday morning!
If you are viewing online, we recommend downloading and printing a copy of the bulletin from our website: The printable bulletin will be available on the website soon.

The First Steps Are The Hardest! ~ March 27, 2022

Printable Bulletin (PDF)

The First Steps Are The Hardest! ~ March 27, 2022

You ARE welcome here!
Come and join us this Sunday, March 27th, 9:30am, in person or right here, online, for a great morning of worship and fellowship!
As we continue our journey through this Lenten season, we’ll join together in singing a few good ol’ favorite hymns, offer our prayers for family, friends and others and hear Pastor Dave’s inspiring message, “The First Steps Are The Hardest!”.
Go ahead and set a reminder now, invite your family, friends and share this post, and we’ll look forward to seeing you on Sunday morning!

In Time ~ March 20, 2022

Printable Bulletin (PDF)

In Time ~ March 20, 2022

As the season of Lent continues, join us in person, or right here, online, for a time of worshp and fellowship!
We’ll join together for prayer, worship, singing a few favorites and to hear Pastor Dave’s inspiring message, “In Time”.
So set a reminder, invite a friend, share this post and, we’ll look forward to seeing you soon!
A printable copy of the bulletin will be available on our website shortly:
See you on Sunday!