Snowflake Tree Mission 2020: Pastor Sabina’s Christmas Requests

Pastor Sabina Terrades, Minister at The First United Methodist Church in Southbridge, has been spearheading wonderfully caring outreach for our neighbors experiencing homelessness. For this Christmas season, she has engaged our church community in the following project:
To fill 40 brown paper goodie bags: 20 for adult men and women, and 20 for elementary school age boys & girls. We are being gifted with the opportunity to purchase gifts for these recipients. Please imagine being homeless, and consider what you might like to have in hand if living on the street, as it were…
Requested for these goodie bags:
• A Christmas card with a caring, handwritten note: Pastor request we write: “God loves you” on the card. Please add a similar, loving, brief Christmas message
• Hand warmers
• Suggested personal care items: soap, washcloth, travel-size shampoo, conditioner, nail file, hair clips/elastics, toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, small comb, small hairbrusg, chapstick, small hand or body lotions, band-aids, tissues, small sanitizer, face mask, scarf
• Stocking stuffer size, gender & age-appropriate toys, small games, deck of cards, colored pencils, crayons, pads for drawing/writing, pens, small puzzles, small puzzle books and other treats
• To be included as well (already obtained): A Christmas devotional booklet for each adult, gloves or mittens, knitted caps, socks, a food item will also be added before sealing the bags
Please deliver your gifts to the church by Sunday, December 13. Bring to the office or place in the bin in the parlor. Any questions, please call Holice Turnbow (508) 347-3428 or Suzie Schwartz (508) 347-9626.
God bless you.